Find your voice at Lions Gate Chorus.
Join Us.
“I never knew that music like this was accessible to me, I’m not trained and I cannot read music. But that doesn’t matter, the tools I need are available to me, the support I need is available to me and every week I feel I grow musically.”
We accept new members year-round. Membership is open to all women and non-binary persons.
Lions Gate Chorus is an a cappella chorus committed to high-quality singing, performance and education. We have about 100 members of diverse backgrounds and ages who travel from all over the Lower Mainland and beyond (including the Interior, Vancouver Island, and Washington State) to rehearse with us every week. We rehearse Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Broadway & Main area of Vancouver.
We are part of an international a cappella singing organization and regularly compete both regionally and internationally.
Lions Gate is an auditioned choir and our members pay dues. If you are interested in joining Lions Gate Chorus, begin by submitting a no-obligation Guest Registration Form:
Please note: we are a scent-free zone. We have members who are highly sensitive to all scents.
How does someone become a member?
Briefly, it usually follows these steps:
Fill out the guest registration form (at the link above)
Have a short chat with our director via Zoom or phone to help determine your vocal range, singing experience and answer any questions you may have.
Visit a rehearsal.
Receive a link to the audition information and materials.
Have a practice audition after about 2-3 rehearsals, and a full audition after about 3-4 rehearsals. Our audition process is a friendly one, and you’ll get materials, help, and feedback to help you succeed.
Here are few examples of our recent competition performances:
International Finals Package (the Nightmare Before Contest) 2023
International Semi-Finals 2023
Canada’s Got Talent Performance