Posts in Healthy Singer
Even the smallest act of kindness

Our world has challenged us and continues to challenge us in ways we’ve never seen before. While a global pandemic rages on, we’re witnessing political and racial upheaval that is leaving us shaken, uncertain and frightened. We’re not the first generation to live through harrowing experiences and while most of us are fortunate to live in peace, they are nonetheless difficult circumstances. Many people have lost their jobs, their independence, their loved ones. When faced with these situations, we are tempted to turn inwards, towards the darkness. Or we can face outwards, searching for the sun and opening our arms to our community.

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Emotional health for singers - making a deposit in our resilience bank accounts

When checking in with our members as to how they are doing, we get the gamut! People are dealing with more than we know right now. For most, this separation has gone on longer than expected, and maybe the change of season plays into this, but it seems that all that frantic paddling underwater is giving way to authentic raw emotion being revealed. This is clear… not one of us is alone in how we feel and how we deal.

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