World Champion Vancouver based choir

THE Vocal Performance Project

FREE 6 Week Program

February 25 - April 1st

2024 Sweet Adelines International Champion Chorus

Lions Gate Chorus was featured on This is BC with Jay Durant from Global BC News

Aired December 3rd 2023. This is BC with Jay Durant on Global BC News.

Lions Gate Chorus on chekTV’s β€œInspiring Island Women” segment.

Aired January 9, 2024

Listen to Sandy Marron as she is Interviewed by CKNW’s Rob Fai

Lions Gate Chorus gets 4 β€˜Yes’s’ on Canada’s Got Talent

Lions Gate Chorus has been thrilling audiences with ringing 4-part a cappella harmony and outstanding showmanship since 1954

Lions Gate is a group of 100 singing members of all ages and backgrounds who live in the Greater Vancouver Area, Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island, BC Interior, Northern Washington, and beyond. These singers join forces and voices to create four-part a cappella music, covering styles ranging from barbershop to Broadway, jazz to pop. This auditioned Vancouver competitive choir is Internationally ranked among SSAA barbershop harmony groups and known worldwide for pushing the boundaries of classic barbershop music to create show packages that engage, entertain and thrill audiences.

Experience Lions Gate in person! Take in a show, hire us for your next event, or visit a rehearsal and try it yourself. We rehearse Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm.

Join us for rehearsals.

We welcome guests to our rehearsals! Please fill out a Guest Registration.

Contact us to join a rehearsal or check out MeetUp page to see upcoming rehearsals.

Tuesday nights at 7:00pm in VANCOUVER

 Upcoming Events

Sandy Marron - Director

Sandy HeadShot 2020 copy.jpg

Quick Facts

Lions Gate Chorus, Multiple top 5 medalists

Lions Gate Chorus, 2024

2004 International Quartet Champions

2016 International 9th Place Medalist Quartet




Sandy (Robinson) Marron has been the Musical Director of Lions Gate Chorus since November 1st, 1991. Her extensive training in classical piano (Grade X Royal Conservatory of Music, University of Toronto), Bachelor degrees in Psychology and Music Education from the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada), and vocal jazz & classical choral singing and conducting have all contributed to her success as a dynamic leader in the choral world.

In November 2023, Sandy led her chorus to achieve the highest honour in Sweet Adelines International - 2024 WORLD CHAMPIONS - a dream she has held for the 33+ years she’s been the Director of Lions Gate Chorus. Sandy is a Master 700 Director in the Director Certification Program, the highest designation possible in Sweet Adelines, and is a Certified Sound Judge. In addition to her role as the Musical Director of Lions Gate Chorus, Sandy  is a professional choral coach, traveling the world to help groups prepare for competitions. 

Sandy sings tenor with Brava!, 2004 International Quartet Champions, Canada's very first β€œQueens of Harmony”. The singers of Brava are active members and leaders in Lions Gate Chorus. And with Lions Gate’s recent world championship, Sandy became one of a very small handful of people in the world who share the title of international chorus champion director and international quartet champion singer! 

On a personal note, Sandy is married to Tim Marron, a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society, an active singing coach and stage actor. Sandy and Tim live in White Rock with their kitties, Robert & Cora. Their older son Connor lives in Phoenix AZ, and their younger son Austin lives in White Rock. Both young men also love to sing barbershop!

Membership from 16 years to 80+

Located in Vancouver Canada

Creative Show Packages

A Vancouver Favourite

Opportunities for Growth

International Competitors

Follow us on Instagram @lionsgatechorus

 Lions Gate Chorus - Life-changing moments happen here!